therapy tailored to you.

what to expect.

Whether it’s your first time in therapy or it’s something you’re returning to, it’s fair to say that the whole process can be a bit awkward at first.

We’re complete strangers, after all, and even if you’ve been in therapy before, it can be hard to know at a glance whether we might be a good fit.

So, let’s dive into what you might expect from therapy with me, shall we?

A complimentary 15-minute consultation will give us the chance to get to know each other a little bit. It will be an opportunity for you to ask me any questions you may have about my approach or the process of therapy, and I’ll do my best to assess whether I’m a good fit for you.

It tends to be a quick and relaxed call, and if we feel like we’re jiving, we go ahead and schedule your first session.

initial consultation

first session

Whether we go virtual or in-person for our first session, you’ll get an email from me beforehand sharing either how to get onto the video platform or how to arrive at my office.

If we’re going the in-person route, I’ll offer you tea when you come in (and if we’re virtual, I encourage you to have your own cozy beverage handy!).

We’ll spend some time going over the process of therapy, what’s brought you here now, and some of your history. We’ll discuss the kinds of changes you’d like to see and start working toward setting some goals for our work together.


I wholeheartedly believe progress can be made at any rate. That being said, meeting more frequently at the beginning can help build momentum and can facilitate building our therapeutic relationship (which is one of the most crucial bits of therapy).

For these reasons, my current work with clients tends to follow a similar pattern: we start off weekly for a few months, then move on to bi-weekly, and eventually to once every three weeks or monthly.


  • In terms of time spent in session, approximately 1 hour/week for the first 2.5-3 months, and 1 hour every two weeks afterwards.

    Let’s not forget that going to therapy can be tender and tiring. On and around therapy days, budget some extra time for rest and self-care.

  • $160 + HST per hour. See FAQ below for more information.

  • Working on yourself is just that–work. Clients who are the most successful with me tend to be ones that are motivated to continue reflecting on our work together in between sessions.

    One hour per week, and then eventually one hour every two weeks, is truly not that much time altogether.

    While I’m the first person who will be empathetic and understanding if you didn’t get the chance to think much about what we talked about last session if life has been really hectic, I hope our work together can motivate you to continue the process of introspection on your own time.

Make yourself comfortable.

Come on in, grab a cup of tea, put your feet up, and get cozy.

I’ve aimed to make our space somewhere you want to hang out in–a comfy couch with soft (and fun-textured) pillows, warm lighting, and a variety of teas for you to pick your infusion of the day. 

Whether you choose to sit up, lie down, or even sit on the ground, my hope is for you to feel safe and comfortable in the space. 


  • My office is located at 556 O’Connor Drive in Kingston, near the Cataraqui Centre. I offer in-person sessions for clients local to Kingston, and virtual sessions for clients across Ontario (and for any Kingston clients who prefer virtual due to convenience).

  • I don’t bill directly to insurance, so this would be best figured out directly with your insurance provider. In your coverage, you’ll want to look for “Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)”, which is my professional designation, or “Social Worker”, which is my supervisor’s designation. I’d also like to note that although I can’t offer this yet, I’m actively working toward meeting the requirements for NIHB coverage

  • Sessions are $160 + HST for 50-60 minute sessions. Typically, therapists bill for a “50-minute therapy hour”--I like to bake in an extra 10 minutes into our sessions in case we need it. We’ll start winding down around the 50-minute mark in general, but how quickly we wind down will depend on the session (sometimes it can take just a few minutes, sometimes the full additional 10 minutes). Extended sessions beyond 60 minutes are prorated accordingly.

  • My availability is Monday through Thursday, 9:30am-5:00pm, with Tuesday evening availability until 6:45pm.

  • Weekly at the beginning, later transitioning to biweekly, and eventually to every three weeks or monthly.

  • It's up to you! Psychotherapy is a long-term healing process, not a quick fix. Typically, after 10-12 sessions, clients start to delve into the deeper work. If all goes smoothly, we may spend a few more months on this before deciding the next steps. However, life can throw curveballs that may impact our “ideal” timeline. If you prefer short-term therapy, I’m happy to assist in finding a suitable therapist for you.