therapy for:

the ironically unhappy.

the chronically anxious.

the infinitely curious.

A space to facilitate growth, healing, and introspection for humans ready to pursue a meaningful life in this stressful world.

It’s hard to know where to begin because, frankly, there’s too much going on. The work is neverending–there’s always something else to do.

Whether it’s your job, school, or the daily demands of life, it is simply too overwhelming.

You keep busy to keep the barrage of thoughts in your head at bay until, inevitably, the anxiety becomes too much and they all come spilling out at once.

your life feels like a bit of a dumpster fire.

You know about all the “things” that are supposed to make you feel better–the journaling, the yoga, the meditation, the mental health walks. But between finding the time to do it and even remembering to do these things in the first place, they just become another of the million things to worry about.

Honestly, you’re exhausted.

Amidst worrying about your life and worrying about the state of the world, it’s starting to become hard to make sense of it all. 

You want to find

You want to find

You want to find

Because there’s got to be more to life than this hamster wheel that keeps on spinning.

hi, i’m andrea (an-dré-ah)

Pasta-lover and dumpster fire connoisseur.

I’m a fellow endlessly curious human who’s passionate about digging deep. I’m all too aware of the absolute shitshow that this world can be sometimes and firmly believe so many of our responses aren’t crazy but actually make a lot of sense in context (oh, yeah, and I also tend to swear a bit).

I believe multiple things can be true at once, that white supremacy, patriarchy, and capitalism play a giant role in our mental well-being, and that we deserve a lot more rest and connection than we’re probably getting.

Together, we can work toward understanding the million thoughts in your head. We can tackle the voices screaming that you’re not good enough as you are, and we can help you find some more pockets of peace.


Have questions or want to see if we’re a good fit? Book a free consultation with me.